U Tech Solution

Thursday, December 2, 2010

10 Fastest Growing Industries

1. Hospitality.

Hospitality is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services for travelers and tourists.

2. Retail

Every country, city and state is laced with retail outlets that sell every kind of merchandise under the sun. This industry is growing because people will never get enough of shopping and spending their money!

3. Real Estate

People have gotten marginally richer over the years which is why property prices have soared in a manner that can only be described as startling. Therefore, people are constantly looking to invest in real estate which is why there is a demand for property managers and dealers at any given time of the year.
According to The Economist, "developed economies'" assets at the end of 2002 were the following:
4. Education

People have started understanding the importance of education and those who have the money do not think twice before opening training centers and schools. It is safe to say that this industry will stop growing only when humans are wiped off the face of the earth.

5. Media

Media as an industry has seen maximum growth over the past few years. This is because citizens today have become very conscious about having their voice be heard. Therefore, they become a part of newspapers and type out blog posts every chance they get. Also, there is a glamorous tag attached to this industry which is why it is as popular as it is.

6. Financial Sectors

People always need money- be it to start a business, buy a house or for education. However, this need has increased in recent years which is why one can find an excess of banks, insurance companies and stock brokerages in every part of the world.

7. Manufacturing

If companies that assemble cars and use chemicals need to do well, they have to depend on this particular company. They basically look into the development of newer compounds and elements so as to reach the top as far as competition is concerned.

8. Accounting

For a business to flourish, somebody needs to look over the specifics of the inflow and outflow of cash. This is exactly what accountants do- they record the expenditure and analyze past performance in order to determine whether the business has made a profit or a loss. It may be a boring job but because proprietors do not have time to look into each and every part of their business, they will always need you if you are good with numbers.

9. Transportation

These industries manage the movement of people and products from one place to another. They do extremely well because naturally, people cannot stay in one place! The growth is somewhat related to the tourism sector as well.

10. Information Technology

When the computer was created, it brought about a revolution and as they say, there is always room for improvement which is exactly what the IT sector strives for. They manage information and develop newer gadgets. As long as people need to store data and carry information around with them, this industry will reach greater heights every year!

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